BEAUTY TALK: Sharon Rabi Founder of Dafni


Sorry for the stoned and sweaty face ….

So, big news! Some of you may know the Dafni Hair Straightening Brush, the rest of you maybe not.
The Dafni Brush is a brush that can straighten your hair with heat. It’s sounds crazy, I know. But it actually works.

… And now it comes in a smaller size, because the Dafni Go just launched last week!

I love the smaller version, because it’s easier for me to use in my Scandinavian hair.
I won’t write too much about it, instead I’ll let you watch the video, where I had the honor to meet the founder of Dafni, Sharon Rabi. We had a good morning playing with her hairtools – she’s such a sweetheart!


It’s faster than straightening your hair with a straightening iron.
Your hair doesn’t become flat and boring.
You keep your volume in your hair.
You don’t break or damage the hair with too much heat.
You can make waves with it.

Hope you’ll enjoy the video – and please subscribe!

x M



Kære alle,

Når du læser dette, har du allerede klikket dig vej ind til mit lille univers ? hvilket betyder at jeg er dig utroligt taknemmelig! For efter mange år inden for beauty branchen, har jeg valgt at gå 100 % selvstændigt, hvilket har ført til denne blog.

Mit formål med bloggen er, at jeg kan dele ud af mine egne personlige erfaringer, samt min professionelle viden indenfor alt med beauty. Derfor vil du dagligt kunne læse om forskellige behandlinger eller produkter jeg har testet, mine personlige anbefalinger, finde beauty talks med kendte ansigter eller se en af mine mange video tutorials som jeg vil linke fra min YouTube kanal.

Jeg bobler over med alt min viden og alt det nye indenfor skønhedsbranchen, efter en masse år som uddannet makeup artist og i magasin branchen som skønhedsskribent, som jeg utroligt gerne vil dele med jer alle ..

Derfor håber jeg at i vil blive en del af mit beauty univers og dykke ned i det sammen med mig!


x M


Dear everyone,

If you read this, it means that you?ve already clicked yourself your way in to my little universe ? which means, that I?m forever grateful! After a long time working in the beauty industry, I?ve chosen to be 100% independent, which have made me make this blog.

My goal with this blog is to share all of my personal experiences and professional knowledge within beauty, with you guys. This means, that daily you?ll have the opportunity to read about everything from beauty treatments, products I?ve tested or that I recommend, read interviews with known faces or you can watch one of my many video tutorials, which ill link here from my YouTube channel.

I?m so excited about beauty and I?ve too much knowledge and experience to just keep it to myself. So after all these years in the beauty industry and working for fashion magazines, I want to share all of this with you.

Therefore I hope that you want to be a part of my beauty universe, and dive into this crazy adventure with me!


x M