SOFT & HEALTHY HAIR .. yes please!

Annonce for Madison Professional


Did you know, that caring for your hair with all the hair products in the world wouldn’t be enough, if you don’t use the right tools?
When bringing your hair back to life, or simply keeping it healthy – looking at your brush might be the best place to start.
If we don’t use the right brushes to detangle and tame our hair, we might damage it or even worse – loose more than needed!

However, I’ve been so lucky testing the brushes from Madison Professional … and they did not dissapoint!
I always keep different hair brushes in my styling bag, since you need different brushes for each style.
.. and I’ve had my favorites for many years – my loyal servants of beauty if you will.
But it’s safe to say that I’m adding these brushes to my kit as well!

The Madison Professional brushes are exclusive high-end brushes, but to a really good price!
They’re produced at a family-owned brush fabric in South Korea, which together with the design team have created the perfect hair brushes with high quality.

I love how you can find a brush for your specific need – and these brushes are perfect for our Scandinavian hair!


Perfect for wet hair after the showers, detangling all the knots and great for coaming styling products throughout your hair.

This one is great for stimulating your scalp and making sure your hair doesn’t break unnecessarily.

Making your hair soft and healthy while stimulating your scalp and eliminating all fuzzy hair.


Find retailers HERE

Buy online HERE


I really like these brushes and I can see a big change in my hair. I can’t tell you enough, how important hair health is. And if you want healthy hair – you need to have the right tools.
Anyways, I better go pack now, my flight back to Los Angeles leaves tomorrow morning.
Hope you enjoy the Madison Professional as much as me!

Bye lovies. 

x M



(I forbindelse med produktionen af Madison Professional-børster har det været vigtigt, at der både tages hensyn til dyr og mennesker. Børsterne produceres uden brug af børnearbejde, der hverken er lovligt eller udbredt i Sydkorea.
Producenten garanterer, at der ikke er brugt børnearbejde, og ifølge UNICEF er der 0% børnearbejde i Sydkorea.
Hårene stammer fra vildsvin, der er opdrættet til fødevarebrug i Sydkorea, og dyrenes levevilkår undergår derfor kontrol fra de Sydkoreanske landbrugsmyndigheder. Hårene fjernes først fra dyrene efter slagtning. Med produktionen af børsterne bidrages der til, at så meget som muligt af det slagtede dyr anvendes, da hårene ellers ville være et spildprodukt. )




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Hi beauties,

A few small moments and pictures from my birthday Saturday June 2nd, which was this weekend.
It was really hard for me waking up in another country without my closest friends and families around me. Normally I don’t really care about birthdays, because they’re always a bit emotional for me. Don’t know why – probably because I hate getting older. ha!
So living in another country with out the normal traditions, songs etc. felt a bit lonely.

But I am super blessed and lucky to live the life I’m living right now, to fulfill my dreams and chase my career.
I celebrated with my LA friends, eating brunch at Malibu Farm – my forever go-to spot. Dining at Laurels Hardware and finishing at a club supporting my DJ friends, Nonsens. All in all, a very lovely birthday.

Even better was me waking up at 4:30 am to live stream my little sister compete in Team Gymnastics back home in Denmark – my forever favorite sport. Of course she won – as always – that super talent that she is. So for me, there was no better way to start my birthday, even though I was a little tired from getting up that early.

I received so many flowers, cards, phone calls and messages.
It really was heartwarming feeling all the love all the way from Denmark.

Thank you,


Overstående billede skal der lige lægges mærke til mine øjenbryn, som er blevet styrket efter at have brugt Revitalash serum – sikke et fint resultat!

VIDEO WEDNESDAY: 101 Hair Extensions x Balmain Hair Couture

It’s Video Wednesday … orrrr, it’s actually not.
… And I’m so sorry! There has been Copenhagen Fashion Week the last couple of days – which has delayed my video.
But, now it’s here! I’m telling you everything there is to know about hair extensions.

How to wear them, style them, pick the right color, quality and so on!

The next couple of weeks I’ll make videos where I make different hairstyles using hair extensions.
I’ve tried so many kinds – but my absolut favorite are the ones I use in the video.
They’re from Balmain Hair Couture, and they’re absolutely amazing.

I’ll show you all the different hair extensions they have to offer in the video.
Keep an eye out the next couple of weeks!

.. As a little I’m sorry gift – I’ve made a special video for you.
It’s out tomorrow, so stay tuned!

x M.



Phew, finally I feel a little bit like myself again.
I haven’t posted for a while – and I’m so sorry, but I’ve been sick in bed with Pneumonia.
Kids, don’t ever get that, it really sucks.

It isn’t my first time tho .. Sadly I get it at least a couple of times every year. My lungs aren’t that god.

BUT, I feel much better and I have so many cool videos and beauty news that I wanna share with you!
I’ll go out for lunch with my best friend Stine now, who is home from Paris for a couple of days.
But keep you eyes on the blog – a lot of good stuff is online the next couple of days!

x M

Nudes for the Nails


Six perfect nudes for the nails – these limited edition gel couture polishes from Essie are absolute must-haves! But you have to hurry .. they’re only in the store one more week!

Adorable colors, perfect for spring! And they all have ballet inspired names, such as; Satin Slipper, Lace Me Up, At The Barre, Perfect Posture and Closing Night.
But my favorite is Hold The Position, because it is super girly and just the perfect shade of pink. It’s a perfect fit with a spring tan or a more cool and boyish outfit – it can add the most delicate and feminim touch.

Go get ’em!

Gel Couture Ballet Nudes, Essie, 110 DKK.

x M